pray for your nation, intercession for country
Have we neglected God’s heart of prayer for our homeland?
July 9, 2024
Praying for your nation without double-mindedness
July 22, 2024
God establishes nations and their boundaries

“From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands” (Acts 17:26).

If God establishes nations and their borders, then it is not unreasonable to suppose that it is an antichrist spirit (1 John 4:3) that seeks to eradicate what He has ordained.

For many years, I have wondered if the United Nations would be the chosen vehicle of the man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2) to carry out his operations. I remember having a conversation with a friend about this subject – years before covid came on the scene, and years before we witnessed the mass migration of peoples that we later discovered were being funded by the UN to leave their own nations and illegally enter other countries, with no say by the citizens of the countries the criminals violated.

Decades before the U.S. Congress was presented with information that the U.N. agency UNRWA was using 58% of its funds to teach terrorism and hatred to Palestinian children in the 186+ schools UNRWA oversees, the United Nations was called out for being feckless and dishonest at best by international journalists. Washington Post writer George Will wrote an op-ed piece in 2003 entitled “Grounds for a Divorce” calling for an end to U.S. funding of the United Nations based on its pervasive antisemitism.

And rampant sexual abuse perpetrated by so-called U.N. Peacekeepers is well-documented across many developing countries – not to mention the U. N. Peackeeping camp that spread cholera in Haiti in 2010, killing thousands.

The more recent partnership of the United Nations with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to undermine the sovereignty of individual nations and to pull localized government away from the populous, and centralize it globally in the hands of a few, deserves far more attention than it is currently getting in the pulpit – and I suspect the prayer closet.

Confluence of corruption

Propaganda, government-issued education, and ignorance have sought to dislodge all natural and God-given love of country from honorable citizens and replace it with shame.  This is true not only in the United States and Canada, but in most if not all western nations. Civics – the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a sovereign nation – has been replaced with the humanist/collectivist-based social studies curriculum in the U.S. “Racism” and “colonialism” are the buzzwords of the propagandists, and no matter how you live your life, you are guilty by de facto of any injustices that happened recently or generations before your birth.

The steady barrage of name-calling and narrative has had its effect on the church. Many Christians whom I meet feel the need to qualify their prayers or their sermons before they carry out their God-given directive of interceding for their nation’s best interest. The popular claim, “We want people to come here. We just want them to come legally” should be questioned before parroting, particularly when one probes whether said persons have any intention of honoring the host nation’s values and culture.

Few Christians I know would dare even to pose the question openly whether religious and cultural hegemony are vital for the sustainability of a nation, so ingrained are the overtones of racism and compassion by the virtue-signalers.

Neocolonialism* in Africa

But Western nations are hardly the only ones under assault.

“The UN has much power on the African continent because of pulling the purse strings. With shekels come shackles.”  So stated Voddie Baucham, Dean of Theology at African University in Zambia, in an interview with Beckett Cook. “And so the UN is doing everything it can to leverage its influence on the African continent.”

Baucham went on to talk about the White House kicking Uganda out of its Agoa trade deal for not complying with issues that the Biden administration advances, namely LGBTQ dogma. Uganda banned homosexuality and introduced strict punishment for perpetrators of statutory rape of minors and of those deliberately infecting others with HIV.

For those who think the United Nations and the US justified in their actions, and believe this is simply a human rights issue, a challenge is to research what the United Nations and the United States are doing to leverage their power in the Middle East and gulf nations for LGBTQ rights, where the harshest punishments in the world may be handed out on simple suspicion and without due process.

In light of the ubiquitous double standard imposed on Africa, and human rights being used as the guise for singling out one continent while turning a blind eye to the other, the reasonable question becomes “why?”

(The United Nations and United States are not the only actors exerting monetary force in Africa. China has been actively investing in Africa, pouring billions into Africa’s infrastructure. Reports of widespread Chinese racism and abuse toward African natives have gone unreported by corporate media.

China’s reasons are geopolitical. “China is building a client base of countries that will enable it to organize the rebirth of a strong and powerful China,” writes Thierry Pairault in The Diplomat.)

Pray and Act

God concerns Himself not only with individuals, but with nations and their borders. Jesus Himself spoke of cities and regions being judged with varying degrees of severity based on their response to Him and also their regard for His people Israel. The word “nation” or “nations” appears 731 times, and while Strong’s Concordance translates that word to mean “heathens” and “gentiles” as well as simply “peoples”, the overwhelming majority of the time the word is translated from KJV to our English word nation, defined as “a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common” (Webster’s New World Dictionary,  1962).

History itself reveals God’s care for the nations He has established, including the most remarkable story of how He used Joan of Arc to preserve France and drive out the British from overtaking it. Derek Prince’s account of Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, Rees Howell’s intercessory work in Wales during World War Two, and the commitment to prayer by a group of 20 Ugandan women in the 1990s remind us that the Lord uses ordinary people to enforce His righteous edicts in the interest of nations.



*Neocolonialism, the control of less-developed countries by developed countries through indirect means. The term neocolonialism was first used after World War II to refer to the continuing dependence of former colonies on foreign countries, but its meaning soon broadened to apply, more generally, to places where the power of developed countries was used to produce a colonial-like exploitation (Source: Britannica)


Emily Tomko
Emily Tomko
Emily writes with fierce compassion and a deep desire to see people freed from the miry clay of this world and walking in the truth. Emily is available to minister at women’s retreats and youth functions, college fellowships, and business women meetings.


  1. Angela Skinner says:

    It’s so refreshing to be lead to a like minded believer speaking truth uninhibited by fear of being shut down. Or forced to tread lightly when referencing the utter wickedness of the UN WEF ++ governments in cahoots to steal nations not granted to them. The Church is in trouble. The nations are in trouble. But GOD. HE’s given us the full armor as warriors & a very sharp 2 edged SWORD to advance HIS Kingdom. Side by side we cannot be defeated. As we go forth as humbly as we know how…Invoking HIS will with the LORD’S prayer is first & foremost the ROCK on which we stand for the Scepter of Righteousness to be restored. Bless our beloved LORD WHO keeps Covenant & shows mercy. Blesses & keeps HIS Anointed. Upholds HIS Remnant. Refreshes & revives those who languish. Reminds us it’s HIS WILL NONE should perish but desiring all to come to the saving knowledge of HIS SON. Could go on & on about the Wonders of HIS great love toward all men. HIS unmatched power & desire to restore what has been stolen. HE is showing HIMSELF MIGHTY in this crucial hour. Revealing what’s hidden. We pray HE changes things. Perfecting what concerns us. Psa 138:8
    Blessings peace joy ❤️ in JESUS NAME

  2. Larry Hutto says:

    Just stumbled onto your article while searching the web. Talking tomorrow at a political rally in the US.
    DISPOSSESS forcefully rooted out removed replaced
    Of course this was the plan of God in the forming a His peoples new nation. Establishing civil government.
    As you know we are experiencing a sort of this tactic from the rogue government now.
    To destroy our foundations and our culture thru open borders, lgbtq, climate change, etc.
    We, the righteous sons and dtrs of God are dispossessing the dispossessed because this land and its christian culture
    is our inheritance.
    As you know, the great need is for Christians to hear, embrace, and participate in The DIspossession, which is really
    the commission of discipleship and Gen.1 cultural mandate of dominion.
    Thanx for the articles.

    • Emily Tomko says:

      Larry, thanks for your comment and thoughts. Love that definition of dispossess! 100% in agreement with your statement about our inheritance. That is my thought every day as I drive through the small towns here with their hometown hero banners of those that served in the armed forces. We “take up the quarrel with the foe/from the failings hands that throw the torch…” Trust your rally went well. Blessings

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