Appeal to Heaven, George Washington Valley Forge, prayer walk, PA Capitol
“The Lord watches over His word to perform it”
January 20, 2025
ask seek knock, Jesus what do you want me to do for you
“Ask what I should give you”
February 8, 2025
intercession and prevailing prayer

You’re ready to see the citadels crumble around unbelieving loved ones, and the furnace fired up in the lukewarm. You’re longing to see the supernatural override nature “far as the curse is found.” You hunger and thirst for righteousness and are no longer content to live in the deficit.

This is the year the tide turns.

As we started this year, I stumbled upon some videos recorded a decade ago of Edith Leland, a then 93 year old mom and grandmother – who shared her intercession methods. I found the setup of her prayer journal particularly helpful as she had a steadfast and systematic means to cover a lot of ground in prayer.

Her linked video can be watched here, but I am summarizing in this post an adapted form of her journal that I’ve decided to implement myself. (I typically begin my devotions with scripture, and inviting the Lord’s presence. Then I move into thanksgiving and intercession).

  • Pray Ephesians 1:18-19 over yourself
  • Listen whether the Lord has a word of direction, correction, encouragement, etc. This can be recorded in the first segment of the prayer journal
  • The next section of the prayer journal is for government. I have the names, photos, and positions of various officials, but so as not to get overwhelmed, I move down the list so that each is covered in prayer (for example, I have laminated prints of the Pennsylvania House caucuses by party, but with there being 203 state reps, I focus on my own district foremost but still try to cover one from each party in prayer, going down the list in alphabetical order. I also write next to their names specific words, phrases, and pictures the Holy Spirit brings to the surface as I pray)
  • Family members. I’ve determined to pray over my children daily and other family members with greater intentionality
  • Sick or infirm friends and acquaintances
  • Sponsored children. Sending a check is one thing, but interceding for their lives is of greater consequence – and often gets neglected, if I’m honest.
  • Persecuted church (this is probably the most neglected yet crucial areas of intercession)
  • Pastor and his wife, and elders

Edith, the seasoned prayer warrior, used a prayer calendar in which she marked days of the month in which people were leaving on trips, family had birthdays and anniversaries, or someone from church was going in for surgery.

She marked an asterisk after every prayer answered, testifying of how this propelled her right back into more faith-filled prayer.

For some people, especially moms of small children, the ability to devote much uninterrupted time to prayer may be limited. As my children grow more independent, I find myself getting more jealous over the minutes of my day to be spent engaged in intercession.

My thanks to dear Edith, now home with the Lord. This focused prayer journal is a wonderful way to ensure no one on my watch slips through the cracks.

Emily Tomko
Emily Tomko
Emily writes with fierce compassion and a deep desire to see people freed from the miry clay of this world and walking in the truth. Emily is available to minister at women’s retreats and youth functions, college fellowships, and business women meetings.

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