At a recent college reunion, my retired geology professor brought the small talk to an abrupt end by asking a former science student in our circle, “Do any climate deniers out there ever send you hate mail?”
I reflected wryly that this professor of science managed to ask a leading question and incorporate ad hominem all in one sentence, thinking about excerpts from The Fallacy Detective I’d just covered with my middleschooler.
Indeed, one can hardly hear something as innocuous as a weather report these days without the anchorman peering into the camera and gravely pontificating on “climate change.”
As someone pointed out with how the worldwide covid phenomenon was handled by the mountains of media, government, and medical, “If you’re not allowed to ask questions, it’s not science. It’s a cult.”
As with any pervading narrative in current culture, there are two Latin phrases which are useful to keep in mind. They are:
Cui bono? (“who does it benefit?”) and sequere pecuniam (“follow the money”). When we employ these tools, we are often led to telling discoveries.
The following is a homework assignment I gave the youth and young adults one Sunday morning (with prize incentives). Some enthusiastic parents took up the challenge as well. I invite anyone to research this as a way to come to your own conclusions about this cultural hot topic:
For further insights, check out the following resources:
A Biblical Theology of Climate Change – Just Thinking Podcast (Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker)
The Green Bible – Harper Collins
The Dangers of Exaggerated Climate Change Reporting – Created to Reign Podcast
More resources on science:
The Broad Voice of Science – Glenn Walker