resentment politics

July 22, 2024

Praying for your nation without double-mindedness

"It is for the king to ensure justice, and the saint to ensure charity," said G. K. Chesterton famously. In other words, the role of the government is to uphold civil law. The role of the church is to administer Christ's benevolence. Over the last century, government has usurped the role of the church and offered handouts - not because it has any inherent godliness, but because it seeks power over the one receiving its "benefits." In the last couple decades, governments around the world have taken this to a new extreme, abdicating their role to uphold lawfulness altogether and offering the money of hard-working citizens to criminal vagrants. This is heavily due to the spirit of lawlessness at work through globalists in the United Nations and WEF and their corrupt influence over national and even local authorities. Even God-fearing Christians are greatly confused about their own role and the government's in this matter, and as a result, cannot think about this in a single-minded manner. Thus they cannot pray effectively.
March 2, 2024

A homework assignment on Climate Change

The following is a homework assignment I gave the youth and young adults. I invite anyone to research this as a way to come to your own conclusions about this cultural hot topic: What does the Bible say about climate change? Where is land pollution mentioned in the Bible and what causes it?    Is there a spiritual component to Climate Change? What are the spiritual powers (i.e. Ephesians 5) behind Climate Change? (hint: research Gaia) Which countries are the worst offenders when it comes to pollution? Are they part of the International Climate summit? Does the UN highlight and apply pressure on these countries accordingly? Who or what entities does climate change benefit? (Qui Bono?) Who is funding climate research? (sequere pecuniam) In which decade was global cooling the fear? What is weather manipulation and is it affecting climate change? Which state(s) can you apply for a permit to modify the weather? Where is all of the climate activism ultimately leading? In light of that, what might be the end goal of climate change proponents?