November 4, 2022
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- Friday Feature
- Healing
- Latest News
- Prayer
- Prophecy
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Warfare
- State of the nation
- The Holy Spirit
- Youth/Young Adult
- All
- 1 Corinthians 12
- 1 Corinthians 13
- 1 Corinthians 14
- 1 Corinthians 2
- 1 Corinthians 3
- 1 John 3:8
- 1 John 5:4
- 1 Peter 2:9
- 1 Peter 4:17
- 1 Peter 5:8
- 1 Samuel 15:23
- 1 Samuel 17
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
- 1 Thessalonians 5:23
- 1 Timothy 1:5
- 1 Timothy 2
- 1 Timothy 4:8
- 112
- 15 minute cities
- 2 Chronicles 20
- 2 Chronicles 7:14
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
- 2 Corinthians 3
- 2 Corinthians 4:18
- 2 Corinthians 4:4
- 2 corinthians 5
- 2 Corinthians 5:7
- 2 Corinthians 6:14-15
- 2 Corinthians 8
- 2 Kings 5
- 2 Peter 2:9
- 2 Peter 3
- 2 Peter 3:9
- 2 Samuel 24
- 2 Thessalonians 2
- 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7
- 2 Timothy 2:4
- 2 Timothy 4:8
- 2017 prophecy
- 2017 prophetic timeline
- 2019 prophetic word
- 2021 prophetic word
- 24/7 worship
- 31 Thoughts on Prophecy
- 409
- 82 airborne
- a house divided
- A taste of new wine
- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
- Aaron high priest
- abandoning faith at college
- abiding in Christ
- Abiding in the Vine
- Abimelech
- abolition of man
- abomination
- abortion
- abortion and feminism
- Abortion and the church
- abraham
- Abraham and Melchizedek
- Abrahamic covenant
- access to the throne room of heaven
- according to your faith
- Acts 1
- Acts 12
- Acts 19
- Acts 2
- Acts 2:17
- Acts 4
- Acts 9:31
- adultery
- adventuring through the Bible
- advice to youth and young adults
- advice upon graduation
- Afghanistan Christians
- African Slave trade
- after Eden
- Agabus
- Agenda 2021
- Agenda 2030
- Alberta
- alduous huxley
- Alex Soros
- alive in Christ
- All things are possible for him who believes
- allegory
- Allen C Carlson
- alpensee
- alphabet agencies
- Alps
- already in heaven
- Amazing Grace
- America and Israel
- America for God
- America for Jesus
- American Christian
- American church under attack
- American consumerism Christmas
- American Dream
- American education
- American evangelicalism
- american pastor in prison
- American's founding
- Amerika und die Kirche
- amish and mennonite
- Amish community
- Amos 5
- amusing ourselves
- anabaptist church
- Ancient Paths
- and body
- angel and the coal
- Angel of Auschwitz
- Angel Studios
- angels and demons
- angels on assignment
- Anna in the temple
- answered prayer
- Anthony Fauci
- antichrist
- antichrist and social gospel
- antichrist nature
- antichrist philosophy
- antichrist spirit in the church
- antichrists in the end times
- antisemitism
- Anton Scolia
- anxiety
- Apostasy
- apostasy and the church
- Apostle Paul
- appellation
- April 9
- argos
- Artificial Intelligence
- ascribe the Lord the glory due
- ask and I'll give the nation
- ask God
- ask me and I'll give you the nations as
- ask seek knock
- Asuza
- Asuza Now
- Asuza Street Revival
- attack on free speech
- Audit the Vote
- authority
- authority in Christ
- Baal worship
- Babylon
- backliding
- backslidden
- backsliding
- baptism
- baptism of love
- baptism of the Holy Spirit
- baptized by fire
- Baptizer in the Spirit
- battle of gettysburg
- Battle of Poitiers
- Battle of Tours
- Bavaria
- Bavarian Alps
- bay of holy spirit revival
- Bayern
- be careful what you say
- Beckett Cook
- become like children
- before you go to college
- belt of truth
- Bema seat
- Benedictine Abbey
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Netanyahu
- Bernie Sanders
- best ngo
- Bethge
- Bethsaida
- betrothal
- betrothed to Christ
- betsy devos
- Bibi
- Bibi's visit to USA
- Bible in six months
- Bible psychology
- Bible reading plan
- Bible series
- Biblical prophecy
- biden and abortion
- Big Eva
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Bill Gates
- Bill Maher
- Bill O' Reilly economic forecast
- billionaires dumping stock
- Bless and do not curse
- bless Israel
- bless those who curse you
- bless your neighborhood
- bless your town
- blessed are those who hunger thirst rightesouness
- blessing or curse
- blitzkrieg
- body soul spirit
- bold ministry
- Bolshevik Revolution
- bondage
- bonhoeffer and american church
- bonhoeffer and the church
- Bonoeffer film
- books with benefits
- Boston unitarians
- Brad Sherman
- branch
- brauerei
- brave new world
- bread and wine
- breastplate of righteousness
- Brexit
- bride of Christ
- Brooklyn Tabernacle
- Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
- Brother Lawrence
- brother will betray brother
- Bruce Bawer
- build your kingdom here
- burden for the nation
- buried talent
- by his stripes you were healed
- by the blessing of the upright
- by the testimony of two or three witnesses
- C S Lewis the Four Loves
- c.s. lewis
- cain and abel
- cain's offering
- California AB 2943
- called to pray
- Calvin Greiner
- Calvin Robinson
- Campus Crusade
- campus culture
- campus life
- can a christian have a demon
- Can a nation be born in a day
- Capitalism
- Capitol
- care with God's name
- caring for orphans
- carnal nature
- castles of germany
- Cecile Richards
- centerpiece of civilization
- change in momentum
- change the nation through prayer
- change your community through prayer
- change your town
- changing the nation through prayer
- Chap Clark
- character of God
- characteristics of a scoffer
- charities that give 100%
- Charles Finney
- Charles VII
- charter school
- cheating
- checklist for freshmen
- chick lit
- Chief priests
- child marriage
- child sponsorship
- Children and Christmas
- children and the Holy Spirit
- children's television and witchcraft
- China
- China in Africa
- Chinese owned American food
- Chip Brogden
- Choose this day whom you will follow
- chosen race
- Chris Wickland
- Christ and Culture
- Christ and His bride
- Christ and the church
- Christ Fellowship Church
- Christ Millennial Rule
- Christ our Kinsman-Redeemer
- Christ reigns
- Christ rules in the midst of His enemies
- Christ's government
- Christian activism
- Christian charitable organizations
- Christian colleges
- Christian dreams
- christian fiction
- Christian pop music
- Christian prayer muslim prayer
- christian response to the culture
- Christian romance
- Christian unity
- Christian witnessing
- Christianity
- Christianity and Islam
- Christianity and supernatural power
- Christianity and the occult
- christianity and yoga
- Christians and college
- Christians and freemasonry
- Christians and goverment
- Christians and government and politics
- Christians and idols
- Christians and politics
- Christians and the news
- Christians and the world
- christians and yoga
- Christians are optimists
- christians going to hell
- Christmas
- Christmas bustle
- Christmas carols
- Christus und Dank
- church and corruption
- church and government and poltiics
- church and homosexuality
- church and its inheritance
- church and its role in society
- church and LGBT
- church and obama
- church and politics
- church and the world
- church and youth group
- church bound a bride in fake diamonds
- church during covid
- church fathers
- church in Acts
- church in America
- church stirred to action
- church unity
- church vandalism
- Churchill RAF
- city outreach
- civil war
- civil war in america
- cliches in the church
- climate change
- climate narrative
- Climate Summit
- Climategate
- clive staples lewis
- cloud of witnesses
- Clyde Rivers
- Colchester
- college bound
- College Bound A Pursuit of Freedom
- College Fellowship
- college hostile to faith
- college must-haves
- college prep
- Colossians 1
- Colossians 2:15
- Come let us reason
- commercialization of Christmas
- Common Core
- communion
- complacency and comfort
- complain
- complaining
- compromised church
- confession
- confession and forgiveness
- confidence in Christ
- confusion in the church
- congress
- contemporary Christian music
- contending for the kingdom
- Coptic Christians
- core muscles
- Cornelius
- corona
- coronavirus
- coronavirus and the church
- coronavirus response
- corporate assembly believers
- corporate church
- corporate media
- corporate prayer
- corporate sin
- corrupt governors
- corruption in church
- Cory Booker
- count the cost
- Count Zinzendorf
- covenant
- covenant name change
- Covenant of the rainbow
- covid 19
- covid and the church
- covid medical malpractice
- covid overreach
- covid19
- cozy Christmas
- Craig Hill
- craving God's word
- creation groans
- Creation Intelligent Design
- Creature from Jekyll Island
- crown of righteousness
- crucifixion
- crucify Him
- Culpepper
- cults
- culture shock in Germany
- cuomo
- Curley
- current politics in america
- curse Israel
- curse on the earth
- cynicism
- Cyrus
- d-day
- daily bread
- Daniel 10
- daniel fast
- Dankopfer
- darren wilson
- Das Dritte Reich
- daughter of Zion
- David and Araunah
- David and Goliath
- David and the Philistines
- David Kandole
- David Livingston
- David McCullough
- David Ravenhill
- david's tent dc
- davids tent
- Davos
- day of the Lord
- days of Lot
- days of Noah
- DC16
- dead to sin
- death
- death and life are in the power of the tongue
- Deborah
- deception
- deception and doubt
- deception in the church
- deciding on a Christian college
- declare the decree
- delia knox healing
- deliverance ministry
- Delmar Full Gospel Church
- demonization
- depression
- Derek Prince
- Derek Prince ministries
- derek prince power proclamation
- Derek Prince spiritual warfare
- desperate prayer
- desperate times
- destruction
- Deuteronomy 11:24
- Deuteronomy 9
- deutschland
- devout
- Dickinson College
- die amerikanische kirche
- die to self
- died suddenly
- dietrich bonhoeffer
- dietrich bonhoeffer and america
- dietrich bonhoeffer and america under obama
- dietrich bonhoeffer and obama
- dietrich bonhoeffer and the church
- difference between symbol and type
- difference of opinions in church
- digital currency
- Digital ID
- Disappointment with God
- discerning spirits
- Discipleship
- disclosing secrets of the heart
- Disney agenda
- Disney World fantasy reality
- disobedience
- dispossessing the land
- disruption
- distrust in system
- division in the church
- divorce
- do not judge
- Dobb's Decision
- dollar depreciation
- Dominic Russo
- don't judge lest you be judged
- Donald Trump
- Donald Trump and the church
- Donna Hylton
- doors in the spirit
- dorm life
- double edged sword
- doubt and temptation
- Dow Children's Home
- Dr Sina McCullough
- Dr. Bambang Widjaya
- Durable Trades
- Dwight L Moody
- Earth Summit
- earthquakes
- earthquakes and birth pangs
- east wind
- Easter
- Eastern Mennonite University
- Eastern University
- Ecclesiastes
- economic collapse
- economy
- edification
- edify
- Edith Leland
- Edmonton
- effective fervent prayer
- egoists and Putsch
- Egyptian church
- ekklesia
- election 2016
- election day prayer
- election integrity
- election prayer
- election prophecy
- electoral college
- elements bread and wine
- Elijah
- Elohim
- emily tomko books
- Emma Okorie
- encountering Christ
- end time prophecy
- end times
- entering into God's rest
- Ephesians 1:22
- Ephesians 2
- Ephesians 5:27
- Ephesians 6
- Ephesians 6:12
- Ephesians 6:14
- Ephesians 6:15
- Ephesians 6:17
- Ephesians 6:18
- equipping for ministry
- eric metaxas
- escape from Iran
- escaping religion
- eschatology
- ESG score
- Essex
- Esther
- Esther 4
- Esther 8
- Esther for such a time
- eternal investment
- eternal reward
- eternal rewards
- eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
- Ettal Abbey
- Ettal Monastary
- evangelism
- Event 201
- every good and perfect gift
- every idle word
- every place your foot shall tread
- every word that proceeds
- evil spirits
- Evin prison
- evolution
- except a kernel of wheat
- Exodus 28:35
- Exodus 33
- Exodus 34
- expectant faith
- explaining miracles
- Ezekiel
- Ezekiel 42
- facing the giants
- failing to gather in fellowship
- faith
- faith and healing
- faith and hope
- faith and prayer
- faith and thanksgiving
- faith comes by hearing
- faith like a mustard seed
- faith prayer
- faith testimony
- faith vs doctrine
- faith-based education
- faith-filled prayer
- faithful prayer
- faithful remnant
- faithless church
- falling away
- falling away at college
- falling away from faith
- false christs
- false prophets
- false prophets and teachers
- false religions
- false teachers
- false teaching in the church
- family dynamics
- family foundations
- farm and rural living
- fasting
- Fat Jeans and other stories
- fatalism
- father of lights
- father of lights documentary trailer
- fear of future
- fear of the Lord
- Federal Reserve
- feet
- female genital mutilation
- feminism
- feminism and abortion
- Feminism and Islam
- feminism in America
- feminist hypocrisy
- fiction
- fifteen minute cities
- Final Judgment of the Lord
- financial disaster
- financial downturn
- financial experts
- financial wisdom
- finger of God
- first heaven
- first miracle
- five wealth secrets 96% of us don't know
- flash fiction
- flesh
- flesh and blood
- flesh and the spirit
- flirtation
- flirting
- Flyleaf
- fog and the spiritual condition
- follow the money
- follow the science
- food shortages
- for all those who love His appearing
- for this reason the son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil
- fornication
- Foud Blood Moons
- founding fathers
- four blood moons
- Fourth of July
- Franklin Graham
- frauenkirche
- free Christian books
- freedom in Christ
- freedom of speech and homosexuality
- freemasonry
- Fresh Wind Fresh Fire
- Friedrich Zuendel
- friendly fire in the church
- full of faith
- fundraiser
- furious love
- future of America
- Galatians 5
- Gamaliel
- game-changer
- Gaol
- garden of eden curse
- Garmisch
- Gary Schultz
- gates in scripture
- gay agenda
- gay marriage
- gay violence against christians
- Gemeinsames Leben
- generational blessings and curses
- generational sin
- generosity
- Genesis
- Genesis 11
- Genesis 12:3
- Genesis 18:14
- Genesis 19
- Genesis 3
- Genesis 4
- George Soros
- George Washington
- German literature
- German Luftwaffe and Battle of Britain
- Germany
- Germany and America
- gift of faith
- gifts of the Spirit
- gird your loins
- give God the glory
- give thanks in all circumstances
- giving
- Glenn Walker
- global epidemic
- globalism
- Gloria Steinem
- glory of the Lord
- God and America
- God and Baal
- God and government
- God and the nation
- God and work
- God is good all the time
- God judges nations
- God of angel armies
- God' Generals
- God's army
- God's betrothal
- God's betrothed
- God's concern for nations
- God's faithfulness
- God's Generals
- God's goodness
- God's hand
- God's jugment
- God's justice
- God's kingdom
- God's kingdom on earth
- God's name
- God's promises
- God's protection
- God's sovereignty
- God's special forces
- God's view on nations
- God's will to heal
- God's will vs. Satan's will for man
- gold and frankincense and myrrh
- gold price
- gold silver stubble
- good books for young people
- good Christian books
- good government
- good news
- good news for the church
- good news for today
- good reads 2012
- good stewardship
- Goshen College
- gospel
- gospel for asia
- gospel message
- government of God
- graduation ideas
- gratitude
- Great Apostasy
- Great Awakening
- great bible study tools
- great Christian books
- great commission
- Great Commission Coalition
- Great gifts
- great is Thy faithfulness
- Great Reset
- Great White Throne
- Great Whore
- Greater is he that is in you
- Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world
- greater revelation of Jesus Christ
- Green New Deal
- guard your mouth
- Guest blog
- H Richard Nieburh
- Haggai 2:22
- Haggai 2:9
- Haman
- Haman hanged
- Hank Kunneman
- Hannah Moore
- Hannah more
- Happy Valley
- harbingers in America
- hard heart
- harlot
- harmony of science and scripture
- harmony of scriptu
- hating sin
- He has done great things
- he has written eternity in their hearts
- he who loves his life
- he will give his angels charge over
- healing
- healing and deliverance
- healing evangelism
- healing God's nature
- healing revival
- Healing Tree International
- healthy marriage
- hearing God speak
- Heaven
- heaven and hell
- heaven is for real
- heavenlies
- heavenly perspective
- heavenly places
- heavenly realm
- Heavenly rewards
- heavenly war
- heavens riches on earth
- Hebrew word pictures
- Hebrews 11
- Hebrews 11:6
- Hebrews 3
- Hebrews 4
- Hebrews 4:12
- Hebrews 4:16
- Hebrews 5
- Hebrews 6
- Hebrews 7:22
- Hebrews 8
- Hebrews 8:6
- Hebrews 9
- hell
- helmet of salvation
- Henry David Thoreau
- Henry Kissinger
- herrenschaft
- herrschaft
- Hershey
- high places
- high priest
- highest name in philosophy
- hijacking of American education
- history of American education
- History of the Standard Oil Company
- hitler and obama
- hitler and the church
- Hitler und obama
- holiness
- Hollywood and Christianity
- holy of holies
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit Advocate
- Holy Spirit and power
- Holy Spirit and prayer
- Holy Spirit Comforter
- Holy Spirit gifts
- Holy Spirit groan
- Holy Spirit intercessor
- Holy Spirit names
- Holy Spirit outpouring
- Holy Spirit power in prayer
- holy spirit prayer
- Holy Spirit prayer for college kids
- Holy Spirit prayer in America
- Holy Spirit revival
- Holy Spirit truth
- homeschool
- homosexual agenda
- homosexuality and the Bible
- homosexuality and the church
- Honduras president
- Honduras revival
- honoring veterans
- hope for America
- hope in troubled times
- hope of salvation
- horace greeley
- Horace Greely
- Horace Mann
- house of david
- house of saul
- how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit
- how much more with the Father give the Holy Spirit
- how to handle persecution
- how to pray for america
- Hudson Taylor
- Hugo Chavez
- human trafficking
- humanism
- humanism and antichrist
- Humanism in the church
- humble
- humble yourself under the mighty hand of God
- humility
- Hundred Years War
- hymns
- I believe help my unbelief
- I have been crucified with Christ therefore I no longer live
- I was in prison and you came
- I will shake all things
- Ida Tarbell
- idealism
- identity in Christ
- idolatry
- illuminati
- immigration
- impacting your community
- in the last days
- in the last days the love of many will grow cold
- independence day
- Indonesia church and prayer
- Industrial Revolution harms
- infanticide
- inflation
- inheriting the land
- iniquity
- inspiration for prayer and fasting
- inspirational
- inspirational fiction
- intensified prayer
- intercession
- intercession for america
- intercession for nation
- intercessory prayer
- intercessory prayer and the holy spirit
- intercessory prayer for nation
- intercessory prayer for saints
- intercessos for America
- interpreting the symbols and types
- interpreting tongues
- Intervarsity
- Iran and Israel
- Iran and the end times
- Iran and the United States
- Iraq
- is all sin the same equal?
- Isaac
- Isaiah 11
- Isaiah 11:5
- Isaiah 49:2
- Isaiah 52:7
- Isaiah 55:11
- Isaiah 6
- Isaiah 66
- Isaiah 9
- Isaiah 9:7
- Ishmael and Isaac
- Islam and the church
- Islam and the West
- islamisation
- Islamization
- Israel
- Israel and the church
- Israel's consolation
- Israeli relations America
- Israeli shekel
- It is finished
- It is to your benefit that I go away
- J D Rockefeller
- Jackie Pullinger
- Jacob
- jake kail
- James 1:14-15
- James 1:15
- James 1:27
- James 4:4
- James 5:15
- January 6
- Jeanne d'arc
- Jeffrey Petrus
- Jehovah Rapha
- Jehovah Sabaoth
- Jehovah Tsidkenu
- Jehovah-Shalom
- jehozadak
- Jehu
- Jen Hatmaker
- Jeremiah 1:12
- Jeremiah 20:8-9
- Jeremiah 32:27
- Jerry Sandusky
- Jerusalem
- Jesus and death
- Jesus and the crowds
- Jesus and the lepers
- Jesus and the Pharisees
- Jesus before Pilate
- Jesus high priestly prayer
- Jesus is the best wine
- Jesus mediator of a better covenant
- Jesus on a donkey
- Jesus the High Priest of our confession
- Jesus und Leprakranker
- Jesus walks on water
- Jesus wept
- Jewish feasts
- Jewish leaders
- Jezabel
- Jezebel
- Jezebel and Ahab
- Jim Kouri
- Joan of Arc
- Job and his friends
- Job's prayer for his friends
- Joe Paterno
- Joel 2
- Joel Rosenberg
- JoePa
- Johann Blumhardt
- John 10:10
- John 10:17-19
- John 11
- John 12:24
- John 14:30
- John 16:8
- John 17
- John 2
- John 8:32
- John Adams
- John and Abigail Adams
- John Dewey
- John Dunphy
- John G Lake
- John H Hopkins
- John Hagee
- John Kerry
- John Knox
- John Newton slaver
- John the Baptist
- John wesley
- John Yoder
- Jonah
- Jonathan Conrathe
- Jordan River
- Joseph and his brothers
- Joseph and Mary
- Joseph in Egypt
- Joshua 1:3
- journaling
- Journey
- joy
- Judah
- Jude 1:18
- Jude 1:20
- Judges 16
- Judgment Day
- judgment of God
- judgment on the nation
- judgment seat of Christ
- judgments of the Lord
- Justice Scalia
- Kamala Harris
- Karl Barth
- Kathryn Kuhlman
- keep prayer journal
- keeping the Sabbath
- Keir Starmer
- keys of the kingdom
- keys to the kingdom
- Kim Clement
- Kinderszenen
- King Abimelech and Isaac
- King Ahasuerus
- king of Persia
- king of righteousness
- King of Salem
- King Uzziah
- King Xerxes
- kingdom authority
- kingdom investing
- kingdom mindset
- kingdom of darkness
- kingdom of God
- kingdom of heaven
- kingdom of light
- kings and priests
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Klaus Schwab
- klavierspielen
- know what you believe
- know why you believe
- know your Bible better
- la pucelle
- Lacey Mosley
- Lambert Dolphin
- lamp and oil
- Lancaster
- Lancaster Alive
- Lancaster PA Pennsylvania
- Lancaster Pennsylvania
- language of the Bible
- last dats
- last days
- last days and antichrist
- Last Supper
- latter rains
- lawlessness
- lawlessness in America
- lawlessness will increase
- Lazarus and the Pharisees
- Lazarus raised
- leaving Babylon
- leaving church
- leaving home
- Leaving the Shallows igniting the faith that overcomes the world
- legalism
- legalized marriage
- Leonard Ravenhill
- leonard ravenhill judgment seat
- leprosy
- Levite
- Levitical Priesthood
- Levitical sacrifices
- Leviticus 10:1
- Libations for Liberty
- liberalism
- liberation theology
- liberties in America
- life in Germany
- lincoln
- lincoln tunnel
- Linda Sarsour
- lion of the tribe of Judah
- Lisa Hosler
- listening prayer
- listening to God
- live free or die
- Lodebar
- logos
- loins in scripture
- longing for Heaven
- Lord's Supper
- Lordship of Christ
- losing faith
- losing faith at college
- loss of liberty
- love your neighbor
- loving others
- Luke 10
- Luke 10:19
- Luke 11
- Luke 11:13
- Luke 17
- Luke 17:11
- Luke 17:33
- Luke 18
- Luke 19:11-27
- Luke 5
- Luke 9:24
- lunar eclipse
- Lunar Tetrad
- lust
- Madonna
- Magi gifts
- man as a triune being
- man of lawlessness
- man of lawlessness and america
- Manhattan Grace
- manifest presence of God
- manifestations of the Spirit
- Maria Woodworth Etter
- Marie Monsen
- Marietta
- Mario Murillo
- Marita Scholtz
- Mark 1
- Mark 6
- Mark 6:7
- mark 7
- Mark 8:22-26
- Mark 8:35
- Mark 9
- Mark 9:37
- mark driscoll
- Mark Six
- market place evangelism
- marriage
- marriage covenant
- marriage name change
- Martin Luther
- Martin Niemoller
- marvelous light
- Mary and Martha and Jesus
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Mary Slessor
- mass migration
- Matthew 10:39
- Matthew 12
- Matthew 12:36
- Matthew 14
- matthew 15
- Matthew 16
- Matthew 16:18
- Matthew 2
- Matthew 4:17
- Matthew 6
- Matthew 6:10
- Matthew 6:13
- Matthew 6:33
- Matthew 8:10
- Matthew 9
- Maxine Waters
- McQueary
- meaning of gifts from wise men
- meaning of life
- meaning of names
- media bias
- medical tyranny
- meditating on God's word
- Melchizedek
- memorial day
- Mennonite church
- Mercy and Justice
- metaxas bonhoeffer
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Micah 6:8
- Michael archangel
- mid-life crisis
- Mideast
- midnight bread
- midterm elections
- Millenial Reign of Christ
- Mine Rescue
- ministering where you are
- ministry of reconciliation
- ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Miracle of Miracles
- miracles
- miraculous healing
- missing heaven
- Mission 24
- mission bang for your buck
- Missions.Me
- Mob rule
- mockers
- modern family
- modern feminism
- Molech
- Mordecai
- more of the Holy Spirit
- more tolerable for Sodom
- Moses age 120
- Mother Teresa
- Mount Sinai
- Mount Zion
- Mt Sinai
- Mt Zion
- multiculturalism fallacy
- Muslim brotherhood
- muslims and Christians
- muslims in America
- my grace is sufficient for you for my power is perfected in weakness
- my people perish
- my sheep hear my voice
- myths lies Christians believe
- Nachfolge
- Nachfolge bonhoeffer
- Nahum 2:1
- Namaan
- name change
- names of God
- Naomi Wolf
- Nathanial Hawthorne
- National Day of Prayer
- national disgrace abortion
- national guilt
- national prayer
- national prayer march
- national repentance
- national sin
- National Socialism
- natural and supernatural
- natural disaster United States
- Nazi
- Nazi Germany
- Nazi Germany and America
- nea
- neil postman
- neocolonialism in Africa
- Netanyahu
- Netanyahu's speech
- neuschwannstein
- New Age philosophy
- new covenant
- new jerusalem
- New Jerusalem Revelation 21
- new man
- New Millennium
- new wine
- new year goals
- new year word
- New Year's
- New Year's resolution
- news media
- Nicodeumus
- Nigeria
- Nine for Nine
- noah
- Noah and the Flood
- Noah's Ark
- Norman Grubb
- North Georgia Revival
- nostalgia better days
- not feelin the love at church
- novella
- now faith is being certain
- nuances of wine
- Numbers 32:23
- Obama
- Obama admin
- obama and hitler
- Obama and Israel
- Obama and the constitution
- Obama antisemitism
- Obama controversies controversy
- Obama policy
- Obama scandal
- obamacare
- obedience to the Holy Spirit
- Oberammergau
- Oberbayern
- obey parents
- obeying God
- occult branches
- offense v defense
- oh you of little faith
- oil symbol Spirit
- old self
- Old Testament and New Testament
- oldies but goodies
- on beyond sunday school
- onbeyondsundayschool
- One nation one day
- one year Bible reading plan
- Operation Mockingbird
- oppression
- oppression and depression
- order of Melchizedek
- origins of the earth
- our Republic
- outpouring Holy Spirit
- outreach
- overcome the world
- overcoming fear
- overreach
- ox bow incident
- Oxford
- PA
- PA Supreme Court corruption
- palestinian state
- Palet
- palm Sunday
- pandemic
- parable of the nobleman
- parables of Jesus
- paradigm shift
- paradigm shifts
- parakletos
- paranormal
- Partnach Gorge
- Passover
- Pastor Brad Sherman
- Pastor Jim Cymbala
- pastor saeed
- Pastor Tim Dilena
- Pastor Todd Smith
- pastoral gift
- patriotism
- paul and silas
- peace in the Middle East
- peace in the storm
- pedophilia
- peer pressure
- pending disaster
- Penn State
- Penn State child sex abuse scandal
- Penn State football
- Pennyslvania
- Pentecost
- people don't change
- permissiveness
- persecution in America
- persecution in the church
- persevering prayer
- persistent prayer
- personal encounter with Christ
- personal ministry
- Peter and John in Acts
- Peter and John went to pray they met a lame man on the way
- Peter Horrobin
- Peter in prison
- Pharisaical
- Pharisee
- Philippians 4:6
- Philips Galle
- physical healing spiritual healing
- Pitt and Walpole
- planned parenthood
- platinum
- playground ministry
- pleasing God
- poisonous fruit
- policy and weather
- political correctness
- political minded Christians
- politics and prayer
- pollution
- Porfirio Lobo Sosa
- postmodernism
- poverty
- power evangelism
- power in prayer
- power of prayer
- power of prayer and proclamation
- power of proclamation
- power of spoken word
- power of the spoken word
- power of the tongue
- Practicing the Presence of God
- praise and worship
- praise as weapon of warfare
- praisemoves
- pray America
- pray for America
- pray for boldness
- pray for revival
- pray for the church
- pray for the nation
- pray in the spirit
- pray in tongues
- prayer
- prayer and fasting
- prayer and fasting and the Holy Spirit
- prayer and praise
- prayer and the Holy Spirit
- Prayer evangelism
- prayer for leaders
- prayer for newark new jersey
- prayer for pastors
- prayer for the nation
- prayer for your community
- prayer guide
- prayer in public school
- prayer journal
- prayer ministry
- prayer of blessing
- prayer of desperation
- prayer of faith
- prayer on memorial day
- prayer walk
- prayer warrior
- prayers of the saints
- praying for children and babies
- praying for the president
- praying for those in prison
- praying in the Holy Spirit
- praying in the spirit
- praying in tongues
- praying parents
- praying peace
- praying through the night
- preach the gospel
- preach the gospel use words
- preaching and teaching
- precious metals
- preparation
- preparation of the gospel
- preparation of the gospel of peace
- prepare the way of the lord
- preparing for college
- preparing for end times
- Preparing for the Government of God
- prepping
- presence of God
- President
- presidential duty
- prevailing prayer
- prevailing winds
- pride
- priestly garments
- Prime Minister Pitt
- prince of the power of the air
- principalities powers rulers
- promises for college students
- promises of God
- propaganda
- prophecy
- prophecy for 2017
- prophecy for healing
- prophecy for today
- prophecy in America
- prophecy the word of God
- prophet Elijah
- prophetic dreams
- prophetic gift
- prophetic prayer
- prophetic prompt
- prophetic timeline
- prophetic warning
- prophetic word
- prophetic word now
- prosperity
- protecting little children
- Proverbs
- Proverbs 16:9
- Proverbs 18:21
- Proverbs 19:17
- Proverbs 21:27
- Proverbs 28:27
- Proverbs 31:8
- psalm 103
- Psalm 118
- Psalm 118:16
- Psalm 118:19
- Psalm 126
- Psalm 149
- Psalm 18:39
- Psalm 2
- Psalm 24:7
- Psalm 37:25-26
- Psalm 37:4
- Psalm 43:4
- Psalm 50
- Psalm 62:2
- Psalm 82
- psalm 85
- public education in America
- public prayer
- public school
- public school system fail
- Purim
- puritans and the new world
- put on Christ
- Quecreek Mine
- question the narrative
- rabbi jonathan cahn
- radical faith
- radical for God
- radical Islam
- Rafe Heydel-Mankoo
- Ray Stedman
- reaching the lost
- reaching the unreached
- read through the Bible in 6 months
- read through the Bible in a year
- Rebecca Friedrichs
- rebellion
- rebellion and witchcraft
- recession
- reconcile
- recovering what was stolen
- Rees Howells
- refusing death
- regard no one according to the flesh
- regional prayer
- Rehoboth Beach
- reigning with Christ
- rejection
- rejection wound
- religious freedom
- religious leaders
- religious liberty
- religious persecution
- religious persecution and gay rights
- Remember God's deeds
- Remember to the Lord
- Remembering God's kindness
- remind the Lord
- remnant
- Rep Rick Saccone
- Rep. Brian Cutler
- repent change your mind
- Repent for the Kingdom is at hand
- repentance
- repentance definition
- research and scripture
- resentment politics
- restore wins to Penn State
- restoring the ministry of Jesus
- Return of Christ
- return to the Lord
- Revelation
- Revelation 1:5-6
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 13
- Revelation 18
- Revelation 18:2
- Revelation 2
- Revelation 22:17
- revelation 6
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 8:4
- Revelation events
- revelation of Christ
- reverence to God's name
- revival fire
- revival in Pennsylvania
- Revolutionary War
- rewards of righteousness
- rhema
- Richard Dawkins
- Richard Vobes
- Rick Howard This Was Your Life
- righteous deeds
- righteous judge
- righteous judges
- righteousness
- righteousness exalts a nation
- rise of the Third Reich
- robber barons
- Robbie Dawkins
- Roberts Liardon
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rod Dreher
- Roe v Wade
- roe v. wade forty years
- Rogue Government
- role of the church in society
- role of the Holy Spirit
- romance
- Romans 12:18
- Romans 12:2
- Romans 12:3
- Romans 13
- Romans 13:3-4
- Romans 4
- Romans 6:23
- Romans 8
- romantic europe
- romantische alpen
- Rory Groves
- Rosaria Butterfield
- royal priest
- royal priesthood
- rule and reign with Christ
- ruler of this world
- ruling with Christ
- Ruth and Boaz
- S M Lockridge
- Sabbath
- Sabbath rest
- sacrifice of praise
- Sadducees and Sanhedrin
- saeed abendini
- salt and light
- salvation
- Salvation Army
- Samson
- sanctification
- Sanhedrin
- satan's kingdom
- satisfaction
- Saul
- Scenes from Childhood
- school choice
- Schumann
- science and faith
- science and scripture
- science and the Bible
- science and the church
- scoffers
- scorner
- Screwtape Letters
- sealed
- seated with Christ
- seated with Christ in heavenly places
- second heaven
- Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
- secular humanism
- seek that which is lost
- seen and unseen
- selfies self-portrait self-indulgence
- Sen David Argall
- senators boycott Netanyahu
- serpent shining one
- set your mind on things above
- sex
- sexual immorality and thanksgiving
- sexual sin
- shane claiborne
- shane claiborne false teaching
- Shantung Revival
- shaping history prayer fasting
- Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting
- sharing the gospel
- sheldon van auken
- shield of faith
- Shirley Adelmann
- Shulamite
- sibling rivalry
- signet ring
- significance of ring
- Silence in the face of evil
- Simeon
- simple things
- sin
- sin and slavery
- sin and tolerance
- sin of the pharisees
- six month Bible reading plan
- skipping out on church
- Slavery and abortion
- slavery in sin
- Slavery West Indies
- Slavic Gospel Association
- Smith Wigglesworth
- so-called Christian nationalism
- social activism in the church
- social distance
- social distancing
- social engineering
- social engineering in America
- social gospel
- social gospel and obama
- social justice
- soldier God's army
- soles of your feet
- Somerset County
- Song of Solomon
- sonpointe church
- sons of Anak
- Sons of Issachar
- sorcery
- sorcery in kids programs and toys
- soul
- soulish to spiritual
- sound the alarm
- sow in tears
- sozo
- Spanier
- speak life
- speak out speak up
- speaking up for Christ
- special olympics
- Spire Resources
- spirit
- spirit of antichrist
- spirit of compromise
- spirit realm
- spirit vs flesh
- spiritual attack
- spiritual battle
- spiritual discipline
- spiritual distraction and discipline
- spiritual forces at work in the world
- spiritual forces in America
- spiritual giants
- spiritual gifts
- spiritual inheritance
- spiritual maturity
- spiritual warfare
- spiritual weapon
- st francis of assisi
- stand firm
- starting out right freshman year
- state department and iran
- Stephanie Greiner
- Stephen the martyr
- stepping out in faith
- sticky faith
- stock market crash
- storm on horizon
- strange fire
- street ministry
- strength in battle
- struggle with worry
- sudden death
- Sue Paterno
- suffering with Christ
- suicidal spirit
- Super Shemitah
- superior covenant
- supernatural Christianity
- supply chain shortage
- Supreme Court and abortion
- Supreme Court and marriage
- Supreme Court ruling
- supreme court ruling marriage
- surrender to Christ
- Susquehanna Valley Pregnancy Services
- sword of the spirit
- symbols and types
- Syria
- Syrophoenician faith
- Syrophoenician woman
- tactics of the enemy
- take hold of the life that is really life
- taking offense
- taking our territory
- taking the nation
- taking the promised land
- Tammy Duckworth
- teacher union
- tears in heaven
- technocrats
- technology
- Teen Challenge
- Tehran
- temple mount dome of the rock
- temple of the Holy Spirit
- temporary and eternal
- ten lepers
- ten virgins
- thankful heart
- thanksgiving
- That's My King!
- the 1960s occult
- the american church and sodom
- the antichrist
- the antichrist and the church
- the armor of God
- the army of God
- the Bible and eternity
- the Bible and the earth
- the Bible in one year
- the Christian life
- the church and culture
- the church and persecution
- the church and the state separation
- the church and the world
- the church as a business or corporate entity
- the church in the last days antichrist
- the church's role in society
- the cost of discipleship
- the cradle and the cross
- the day of the Lord
- the Enlightenment
- the fear of the Lord
- the first and second adam
- the five crowns
- the former and latter glory
- the fruit of the Spirit
- the future of the church
- the garden of eden
- the glory barn
- the glory path steve lapp
- the God that heals you
- the good old days
- the gospel of the kingdom
- the harbinger
- the Hebrew alphabet
- the humanity of Jesus
- the increase of his government and his peace
- the Judgment seat of Christ
- the kingdom of God is in your midst
- the kingdom of heaven
- the kingdom of Heaven advancing
- the kingdom of Heaven is at hand
- the language of scripture
- the Law
- the Lord longs to be gracious
- The Lord of Hosts
- the Lord's prayer
- the Lord's prayer and God's will
- the love chapter
- The Love of God
- the mind of Christ
- the Name of Jesus makes the darkness tremble
- the name of the Lord
- the natural mind and the spirit
- the nature of God
- the persecuted church
- the price of faithlessness
- the promise of persecution
- the readiness of the gospel of peace
- the role of church in modern society
- the secret place
- The seven spirits of God
- the Shemitah
- the sin of unbelief
- the Spirit and the bride say come
- the Spirit of Truth
- the spoken word
- the strong man's house
- the sword in your mouth
- the sword of the spirit
- the tabernacle as a type
- the truth shall set you free
- the two kingdoms
- the unrepentant cities
- the unrighteous judge
- the visions of William Booth
- the walking dead
- the weapons of our warfare
- the western church
- the word of God
- the word of the Lord 2014
- the year in review
- theory of evolution
- they overcame satan
- third heaven
- thirty-one thoughts on prophecy
- Thomas Sowell
- though I walk through the valley
- thoughts
- Thursday May 7
- Thy word have I hid in my heart
- Thyatira
- tidal wave
- tidal wave dream
- tidal wave for United States
- Tim Kaine
- tithing
- titles of the Holy Spirit
- to judge or not to judge
- tolerance and the church
- tolerating sin in the church
- tongues
- tony compolo and social gospel
- tony compolo false teach
- top advice for youth and young adults
- touch of Christ
- tower of Babel
- Tozer
- traits of Pharisees
- Transcendentalism
- transformation george otis
- transforming the nation
- transgender
- travel in Germany
- travels in Europe
- trial of Jesus
- True the Vote
- trump
- trust and obey
- trust the experts
- trusting in God
- tsunami
- tsunami to hit USA
- Twelve Foundation Stones
- Twelve tribes of Israel
- twilight
- two churches
- two kingdoms
- two-edged sword
- tycoons and eugenics
- tyranny
- tyranny of sin
- U.S. Election
- UK riots protests
- unchanging God
- unclean spirits
- underground church
- underneath your feet
- unitarian
- unitarian universalist
- Unite to Restore America
- united church
- United Nations
- United Nations agenda
- United Nations Climate
- United Nations corruption
- United States
- United States and Israel
- UniteDCry
- unity in the church
- University of Pittsburgh
- Unless we Pray Todd Smith
- unrelenting widow
- unrepentant cities
- unrighteous judge
- upheaval
- US election
- USPS missing ballots
- value of dollar
- vampires
- vaughn martin
- venezuela
- venting anger
- victim mentality
- victimhood
- Victorian
- victorious church
- victory
- victory in Jesus
- vintage
- violence against Christians
- violence in Egypt
- Voddie Baucham
- voter fraud
- voting irregularities
- wages of sin
- wages of sin is death
- wait and remember
- wait and remember and worship
- walk by faith not by sight
- walk in the spirit
- wanderlust productions
- wandern
- war of the states
- War on Poverty
- warning concerning food
- warning to church
- Warren Buffet
- Watchman on the wall
- watchmen on the wall
- water baptism
- we are penn state
- we fix our eyes on what is unseen
- we have died and our lives are hidden in Christ
- we have the mind of Christ
- We Three Kings
- we walk by faith not by sight
- we're not gonna take it
- weapons of war
- wedding in Canaan
- weddings
- what Christ conquered
- what Christ defeated
- what Christians should do in the last days
- what did Jesus do
- what does the Bible say about heaven afterlife judgment
- what God can do
- what happens when we confess
- what happens when we forgive
- what is happening to the earth
- what is heaven like
- what is real faith
- what the Bible says about homosexuality
- what the Bible says about judging
- what would you tell yourself
- what's with the red pink equal sign
- Wheat and tares
- when a pastor prays
- when Christian leadership isn't Christian
- when churches come together
- When heaven invades earth
- When Jesus Rules on Earth
- when the saints go marching in
- While Europe Slept
- who acts on behalf of the one who waits
- WHO Pandemic Treaty
- who we are in Christ
- whore of Babylon
- why Jesus came
- why Jesus wept
- William "Devil Bill" Rockefeller
- William Booth
- William Booth visions
- William Penn
- William Wilberforce
- wind of the Lord
- wine
- wisdom
- wisdom for graduates
- wisdom for youth and young adults
- wise foolish virgins
- witchcraft
- without faith it is impossible to please God
- witnessing on facebook and social media
- Women's march
- womyn
- wood hay stubble
- word and the spirit
- word of knowledge
- world crisis
- World Economic Forum
- World Economic Forum Agenda
- world leaders
- worship
- worship as a weapon
- worship at the white house
- worship in the waiting
- worship on white house ellipse
- Yeshua
- yoga and hinduism
- you can't legislate morality
- you have died and your life is hidden in Christ
- you said ask and I'll give you the nations
- you who remind the Lord
- young people leaving church
- young people leaving faith
- your kindness leads us to repentance
- youth leaving church
- zebulun
- Zechariah 10
- Zechariah 4
- Zechariah 4:6
- Zechariah 6
- Zephaniah 3
- Zugspitze