Did you ever hear the Lord speak to you and then second guess what you heard because circumstances didn’t change?
In the final two months of 2020, and indeed as long as a decade ago, the Lord spoke specific words to me that I am only now seeing come to pass. I share this as an encouragement, remembering how difficult it was to walk through circumstances that did not match what He said.
While I was standing at my kitchen sink in December 2020, national events swirling in my thoughts surrounding the dubious election results, the public outcry, and the mocking, gaslighting media’s name calling and shutting down any voice that testified concerning the fraud that had been visited on the American people, I suddenly exclaimed out loud, “Lord, You have to do something!”
Immediately came these words into my spirit: “If My people hadn’t been pushed to the brink, I couldn’t have drowned Pharaoh’s army.”
The next day, I was standing in the same spot, before the kitchen sink, and had just typed into my phone’s YouTube app, “American folk music” for a homeschooling unit I was doing. It was the first time I’d searched this theme, and as I stood there washing dishes as I’d done the day before, the words of the very first song on my phone froze me in my tracks. It was Mahalia Jackson singing the spiritual “Wade in the Water.” I couldn’t recall hearing the song. It has a dual meaning as Moses was the nickname of Harriet Tubman, and speaks of God troubling the waters for Pharaoh’s army after His people safely crossed.
“This can’t be coincidence,” I thought in amazement, recalling the words the Lord had dropped in my spirit just the day before.
A month previously, I’d attended a “Stop the Steal” rally at the Pennsylvania Capitol, led by Jim Jordan and other public figures calling out the election counting that was stopped in several swing states in the middle of the night (including my own) and stolen right before the eyes of the American people.
My daughter, 11 years old at the time, wanted to make a sign to bring to the rally. After considering, I told her she could write a bible verse on it if God gave her one.
She returned an hour later and showed me her sign.
On it, she had written out Haggai 2:22. “I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of foreign kings.”
“Where did you find this verse?” I asked.
She shrugged. “I opened up my bible and saw it there,” she replied simply. Her eleven year-old mind could not comprehend the implications of what was happening or how profound was that word, out of a tiny book from one of the minor prophets that most of us might have trouble finding even if we knew where to look for it.
As the weeks wore on, it became evident that no one was going to deliver America out of what had been visited upon it. I wondered at the gap between what I heard the Lord say and the circumstances.
One day in late winter of 2021, through a series of events my husband and I crossed paths with a man from Louisiana who was in the area visiting his sister. He was a big man who carried a masterful presence and spoke with a Cajun drawl. From his neck hung a large silver cross. Catholic, he realized we were also people of faith and told of how he’d persuaded his priest to let him host a men’s weekly bible study where he promised to cook crawfish étouffée for the guys who’d attend.
This man, not more than a friendly stranger, suddenly told me hesitantly, shyly, that he felt like the Lord had a message for me (I don’t think he was even familiar with the term “prophetic,” nor had I any sense he’d experienced such a thing as a prophetic utterance before).
“I feel like God wants you to know that He has heard your prayers for your country,” this Catholic brother said. “He has heard and He will answer. He says, ‘Just be patient’.”
Such a word from a man who barely knew me, and had to my knowledge no background in what we’d term the charismatic, was like a little lifeboat sweeping me up after I’d been treading water in a merciless sea.
In 2015, I wrote an article for a Christian web site outlining how any viable presidential candidate needed a Jehu anointing to overcome the vicious, manipulative news media that so successfully propagandizes the mind of the public. For surely any candidate who cared for the Constitution and American sovereignty over globalist agendas would be assailed night and day by the 24/7 news cycle.
“In order for any presidential candidate of integrity to win the next election, the opponent he needs to defeat is the media,” I wrote. The mass media is Jezebel, which operates almost exclusively in witchcraft, which uses the art of manipulation and deception through slander, censorship, and framing, among other practices. (While witchcraft is a branch of the occult, it is defined as any tactics that seek to control the mind and actions of another).
Even Elijah, the man of God, was intimidated by her. God raised up and used the flawed Jehu for His own purposes concerning a nation under the deadly influence of Jezebel’s witchcraft, and later made Jehu king.
Witnessing the dazed expressions and unabashed meltdowns of media personalities on the morning of November 6th, their dark arts having failed to accomplish their purposes and their credibility sacked, it seemed Jezebel had finally been tossed to the dogs.
In the spring of 2024, there was one more specific word the Lord gave. Sitting in my living room one evening pondering the countdown to November ahead, I thought to myself despondently, “They’re just going to repeat 2020 and use whatever fraud necessary to steal the election.”
Even as I exhaled a sigh, into my spirit came the words, “Tip the scales.”
Shortly afterward, I shared this experience with a friend. That I believed the Lord was emphasizing that He Himself would tip the scales in favor of His people, despite the enemy’s best attempts to steal, kill, and destroy.
“A pastor in Nebraska just used that exact phrase in talking about the upcoming election,” my friend replied.
There are other words that the Lord gave me in this interim time of trial between December 2020 and November 5, 2024. One was the word “ombudsman,” which I had to look up the definition. That I was to pray for an ombudsman to emerge concerning government schemes performed at the harm of the American people.
There was also a vivid dream of various military planes converging that I recorded and shared at the time with a trusted friend. The dream ended with a low-flying airplane of Chinese origin which dropped “gifts” but which I instinctively knew were contaminated. I still do not know the significance of these dreams, but felt they were warnings from the Lord with the instruction to watch and pray.
While the nature of what lies heavy on your heart might be quite different than mine, I hope this encourages you that the Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, but that He is patient (2 Peter 3:9). Many a time, we need to be as well.
Jeremiah 1:12 – The Lord watches over His word to perform it.
Featured Image: Friend who faithfully prayer walked the PA State Capitol for many weeks from 2021-2022, and now serves within it.
Beautifully written, Emily. God has kept His promises ❤️
Thank you, Maria! Indeed He has!
Once again a very concise and powerful word of encouragement to us as laborers of “faith” in the Father’s vineyard. It is amazing what the Lord will drop in your spirit when you are in a desperate mode. To confirm the Lord’s stirring during that dark night of the soul in 2020 – here is some of the words the Lord spoke to me –
1 – “Donald Trump will be re-elected to a second term – but what will my Church do with this merciful opportunity.” (AUG 11,2020)
2 –“If you repent of being Jonah – I will give America a Nineveh moment.” November 2020
3 – “I could have taken your nation from you for the Church’s disengagement of culture – but I won’t.” (RELENTING GRACE) December 2020
4 – “This will not stand” – December 2020
5 – “Pray for My preferred (NOT ALLOWABLE) will of God over America.” December 2020
Thank you for sharing these words, Pastor Don. It’s amazing what has come to pass. #5 particularly jumped out at me. Lord, what do YOU want in this hour? I’m compelled to pray more and more in the Spirit as well as the scriptures (Proverbs 19:21 and the powerful Psalm 143:10-12).
Wonderful post, Emily! Thank you!
God’s faithfulness to perform things He has said sometimes takes years to see, but then the fulfillment comes … In the false prophets series I am currently posting, when we get around to Part 3, one of the things I mention is that prophetic words often take time, and just because something doesn’t happen immediately, doesn’t mean it is false. Your post is a confirmation of that truth.
Bless you, Lee Ann
Thank you, Lee Ann! Yes, this has been eye-opening for many of us, I believe, to see how long it can take for some promises to be realized. Glad you are doing this series on the prophetic – it feels especially timely.