mass migration

August 12, 2024
Revelation Beast, Beast System, Mark of the Beast, Great Dragon, United Nations, WEF

The Blueprint for the Beast System in Revelation

The manipulation by these globalist billionaires of currency, agriculture, medicine, proxy wars, and mass migration is all leading to that which appears eerily similar to what Jesus and His apostles foretold, along with the events John saw unfolding in Revelation. Technology now affords the ability to produce these on a mass scale:
July 22, 2024

Praying for your nation without double-mindedness

"It is for the king to ensure justice, and the saint to ensure charity," said G. K. Chesterton famously. In other words, the role of the government is to uphold civil law. The role of the church is to administer Christ's benevolence. Over the last century, government has usurped the role of the church and offered handouts - not because it has any inherent godliness, but because it seeks power over the one receiving its "benefits." In the last couple decades, governments around the world have taken this to a new extreme, abdicating their role to uphold lawfulness altogether and offering the money of hard-working citizens to criminal vagrants. This is heavily due to the spirit of lawlessness at work through globalists in the United Nations and WEF and their corrupt influence over national and even local authorities. Even God-fearing Christians are greatly confused about their own role and the government's in this matter, and as a result, cannot think about this in a single-minded manner. Thus they cannot pray effectively.
July 15, 2024
God establishes nations and their boundaries

God establishes nations and their borders

Western nations are hardly the only ones under assault. “The UN has much power on the African continent because of pulling the purse strings. With shekels come shackles.” So stated Voddie Baucham, Dean of Theology at African University in Zambia, in an interview with Beckett Cook. “And so the UN is doing everything it can to leverage its influence on the African continent.”