
January 31, 2025
intercession and prevailing prayer

Targeted Prayer: tips from a 93 year-old warrior saint

You're ready to see the citadels crumble around unbelieving loved ones, and the furnace fired up in the lukewarm. You're longing to see the supernatural override natural law "far as the curse is found." You hunger and thirst for righteousness and are no longer content to live in the deficit. This is the year the tide turns.
December 27, 2024

“The Right Arm of the Lord does valiantly”: remembering God’s faithful intervention

Do you keep a prayer journal? Even if you are not much of a writer, this is a good time to start. Jotting down a key scripture, a persistent thought, and an answered prayer from day to day are excellent means to remember how the Lord has faithfully guided your steps and led you to pray His transformative promises into being.
October 29, 2024
The judgments of God, postmodernism in American evangelical church

Five ways the church gets God’s judgments wrong

  Napoleon stands out as perhaps the ultimate example of a tyrant who, when brought to justice, has the opportunity to reflect on life and eternity. Napoleon in exile on St. Helena observed of Christ, “What a conqueror! A conqueror who…wins to Himself not only one nation, but the whole human race. What a marvel! He attaches to Himself the human soul with all its energies. And how? By a miracle which surpasses all others. He claims the love of men – that is to say, the most difficult thing in the world to obtain…..He claims it; He requires it absolutely and undividedly….Alexander, Caesar, Hannibal, Lous X!V strove in vain to secure this…He kindles the flame of a love which causes a man’s self love to die.”
September 25, 2024
East Wind, wind of the Lord, God''s judgments, Red Sea parting

Praying for God’s judgments?

Many Christians and secularists alike tend to think of God’s judgments as undesirable or even cruel. Some suppose that judgment is synonymous with hail, lightening, earthquakes, and floods. The scriptural pattern of God’s judgments often involved His people being invaded by foreigners who did not share their customs, took over their resources, and oppressed them. We cannot ignore that Peter told the church that “Judgment begins with the household of faith” (1 Peter 4:17).
July 22, 2024

Praying for your nation without double-mindedness

"It is for the king to ensure justice, and the saint to ensure charity," said G. K. Chesterton famously. In other words, the role of the government is to uphold civil law. The role of the church is to administer Christ's benevolence. Over the last century, government has usurped the role of the church and offered handouts - not because it has any inherent godliness, but because it seeks power over the one receiving its "benefits." In the last couple decades, governments around the world have taken this to a new extreme, abdicating their role to uphold lawfulness altogether and offering the money of hard-working citizens to criminal vagrants. This is heavily due to the spirit of lawlessness at work through globalists in the United Nations and WEF and their corrupt influence over national and even local authorities. Even God-fearing Christians are greatly confused about their own role and the government's in this matter, and as a result, cannot think about this in a single-minded manner. Thus they cannot pray effectively.
July 9, 2024
pray for your nation, intercession for country

Have we neglected God’s heart of prayer for our homeland?

Why does Paul attach so much importance to praying for those holding positions of authority in the land? Should we really even bother with those corrupt kings, prime ministers, presidents, judges, magistrates, and legislators? The answer comes in the verse that follows. "This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:3-4, ESV).
June 26, 2024
cynicism, idealism and fatalism

Hell’s trifecta trap: Cynicism, Idealism, and Fatalism

Without fervent prayer, God's will is largely held back from what He purposes to do in the earth. As Chip Brogden stated, "“If God will do whatever He wishes, regardless of whether we pray or not, then we do not need to pray at all, and the Lord’s instructions on praying for the Kingdom and His will are superfluous. . .Apart from Him, we can do nothing. Apart from us, He will do nothing.”
April 6, 2024
Jesus disciples storm wind waves

Slammed by contrary winds

We all did what the Lord sent us out to do. We got on board the ship - our individual calling - because Jesus told us to.But here we are on the sea, and the storm is bigger than us. The wind is contrary - in opposition to us. And we're battered.And in the midst of the wind-lashing and skin-soaking tumult that threatens to sink us, a steady pelting of solemn rebukes issues forth from well-meaning fellow Christians for boarding the ship in the first place. There are other pursuits Christ sanctions. Why step into the vessel that draws the tempest of controversy?
March 19, 2024
spiritual gifts, pastoral, prophetic, Christian nationalism, church controversy current events

Can your gifting impair your vision? Why some pastors won’t talk about current events

One major stream of gifting in the Body of Christ (the prophetic/intercessors) sees the absolute chaos of our nation as a result of what God is doing in this hour: disciplining the Church for her prayerlessness, compromise, and disengagement from the world and culture in the guise of keeping to the exclusiveness of preaching the Gospel. The other major stream of gifting (the pastoral/teaching) sees the passion in Christians to engage the culture through being salt and light in the political and governmental gates of influence as Christian nationalism and political idolatry. How do we reconcile this?
February 10, 2024

The frightening truth about failing to pray

"Inattention to prayer actually gives place to the devil to advance his cause and evil." -Todd Smith, Unless We Pray An incident happened a couple years ago of which I only grasped its implications this week. It was July 2021. I had gone to a Wednesday night prayer meeting. There were only a few of us gathered, although our pastor was often reminding us as a congregation not to fall into "vacation mode" and lose spiritual focus, just because it was summer.