“When a land is handed over to the wicked, God blinds the eyes of its judges” (Job 9:24) Jonathan Swift once likened laws to cobwebs, which catch small insects but […]
The Lord is on the move! During this difficult season of challenges, unknowns, and an alarming encroachment on personal liberty, the Lord has been answering specific prayers about seeing His […]
Had the Gentile woman with the demonized daughter (described in Matthew 15 and Mark 7) been raised in the American church, I picture her encounter with Jesus going much differently. […]
If you aren’t confident something is God’s will, you’ll strike out empty if you pray for it. Why? Because the Bible tells us “the one who doubts is like a […]
I live in a region nicknamed the Garden Spot, and while one sees plenty of corn, wheat, and other crops flourishing in abundance, one rarely sees orange trees. Why? To […]
If there’s one thing that can keep me awake at night, it’s the thought of babies and children who are suffering. One evening a friend asked for prayer concerning a […]
Is there something in you that comes undone when you hear a report of child abuse? Or that cancer has taken another life, despite the prayers of the saints? Perhaps […]
“The scepter of wickedness shall not remain over the land of the righteous, so that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong” (Ps. 125:3). Lord, You […]
God’s supreme objective is the establishment of His kingdom on earth. Jesus told His disciples to pray this way: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it […]
Gay author and activist Bruce Bawer left the US to escape what he described as the influence of conservatism and Christianity. Moving to Europe to live with his lover, he […]