State of the nation

June 26, 2024
cynicism, idealism and fatalism

Hell’s trifecta trap: Cynicism, Idealism, and Fatalism

Without fervent prayer, God's will is largely held back from what He purposes to do in the earth. As Chip Brogden stated, "“If God will do whatever He wishes, regardless of whether we pray or not, then we do not need to pray at all, and the Lord’s instructions on praying for the Kingdom and His will are superfluous. . .Apart from Him, we can do nothing. Apart from us, He will do nothing.”
March 19, 2024
spiritual gifts, pastoral, prophetic, Christian nationalism, church controversy current events

Can your gifting impair your vision? Why some pastors won’t talk about current events

One major stream of gifting in the Body of Christ (the prophetic/intercessors) sees the absolute chaos of our nation as a result of what God is doing in this hour: disciplining the Church for her prayerlessness, compromise, and disengagement from the world and culture in the guise of keeping to the exclusiveness of preaching the Gospel. The other major stream of gifting (the pastoral/teaching) sees the passion in Christians to engage the culture through being salt and light in the political and governmental gates of influence as Christian nationalism and political idolatry. How do we reconcile this?
March 2, 2024

A homework assignment on Climate Change

The following is a homework assignment I gave the youth and young adults. I invite anyone to research this as a way to come to your own conclusions about this cultural hot topic: What does the Bible say about climate change? Where is land pollution mentioned in the Bible and what causes it?    Is there a spiritual component to Climate Change? What are the spiritual powers (i.e. Ephesians 5) behind Climate Change? (hint: research Gaia) Which countries are the worst offenders when it comes to pollution? Are they part of the International Climate summit? Does the UN highlight and apply pressure on these countries accordingly? Who or what entities does climate change benefit? (Qui Bono?) Who is funding climate research? (sequere pecuniam) In which decade was global cooling the fear? What is weather manipulation and is it affecting climate change? Which state(s) can you apply for a permit to modify the weather? Where is all of the climate activism ultimately leading? In light of that, what might be the end goal of climate change proponents?
February 19, 2024
foundations destroyed, what shall righteous do

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Few may argue the West's destructive course, but what does the final outworking of a disintegrated culture look like? Can even widespread revival pull a culture back from the precipice? As a Christian, I see the world simultaneously through two lenses. The one is observing the horrors of life in post-modern America, with its fearful velocity in recent years of lawlessness - infanticide, polygamy, pedophilia, trafficking, misogyny, suicide, crime, institutional corruption, and child mutilation; at the same time, I'm scrutinizing these trends against the backdrop of history, from ancient to present, and the fate of parallel civilizations. The other lens sees the influence of the praying church on history, from Peter's supernatural deliverance from Herod's imprisonment, all the way up to the fall of the Soviet Union and pivotal World War Two victories such as Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain. The latter lens keeps me from despair. The former begs the question, "At what cost will we see Divine Liberation?"
February 15, 2024
Industrial Revolution, prophecy, prophetic word

“Pull the plug”

Juxtaposed against today, Hawthorne's Celestial Railroad is a mirror held up to culture, and how much more might we see ourselves the pampered passengers rather than the scorned pilgrims - particularly in the face of the exponentially increasing power of technology and Artificial Intelligence to distract, dissuade, and dismember us from our Creator and that which is most important in life. There's a phrase in my spirit these last several months that I've been praying aloud to the Lord. "Pull the plug."
August 29, 2021
humanism, covid measures, totalitarianism, abolition of man

Experts, Technology, and the Abolition of Man

In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis foresaw a deadly marriage between moral subjectivity and technological advancement. In 1944, before the death camps of the National Socialists had been liberated, before the full horrors of the Soviet Union surfaced on the world stage, Lewis looked into the future with uncanny clarity and predicted what we are witnessing today.
July 1, 2021
freedom comes from Christ

“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land”: freedom as the nature and theme of God’s word

Don't let them neuter you. Many generations of men gave everything they had so you could walk about in civic freedom. Christ gave the splendor of Heaven and then laid down his life to a cruel death so you could partake of spiritual freedom and the liberty out of which came the civic. No more complacency. It's our time to give it all we have.