to listen to this as a podcast, click here Is the Lord using covid 19 to sift the church? And if so, what’s next, and what is our response? Regardless […]
Last month, an Indiana schoolteacher was ordered to the principal’s office, where she was told that she was an embarrassment to the school and subsequently fired on the spot. Her […]
Did you ever consider that your willingness to say “yes” to whatever The Lord is asking of you right now might change the very course of history? A woman asked […]
This is the conclusion of a message I gave recently on The Fear of the Lord Scripture talks extensively in both the Old Testament and in the New Testament about […]
Sleepily you open one eye. You could catch another half hour’s wink perhaps. However, this will mean you’re scrambling to get to church on time. Reluctantly, you get up, trying […]
Had the Gentile woman with the demonized daughter (described in Matthew 15 and Mark 7) been raised in the American church, I picture her encounter with Jesus going much differently. […]
“And now God has revealed this grace through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has abolished death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the gospel” […]
Obeying authority is not something Americans generally do well. Our nation was birthed in revolution, and some time after the Second World War rebellion became fashionable. James Dean personified the […]