I was driving full speed down a country road when the car pulled out in front of me. In the one second before impact, the thought went through my mind […]
The man was recognized by all who lived in the neighborhood. He’d sat in the doorway near the Laundromat for years asking for change from passersby. A buddy of his […]
In my last blog we contrasted how certain believers from around the world are more likely to proclaim with boldness their prayers instead of only petitioning heaven in the manner that […]
A friend of mine who did ministry in South America noted how differently the believers there pray. “They don’t petition God. They proclaim things,” she reported. She went on to […]
In his book The Release of the Human Spirit, Frank Houston tells of witnessing the worst poverty in his life in India. People were lying in the gutters, sleeping in […]
Monday morning came. The oppression was so heavy that I had to fight through every second after I swung my feet out of bed just to make it through the […]
“All sin is the same. I sin, so who am I to find fault with someone else?” This statement is commonly heard in our culture by Christians. It is often […]
It’s hard to believe that this year is already halfway over. Whether you made a resolution at the beginning or didn’t, here is a way to finish out the second […]
A local minister of an old line denomination recently said how he’s been sorry to see people leaving his church to “go where it’s more fun.” I’ve heard this man […]
“Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish […]
Paul instructed the church to “pray at all times in the Spirit” (Eph 6:18). Praying in the Spirit is not limited to, but certainly includes, praying in tongues. In the […]
Jesus said that speaking in new languages, or tongues, would be a sign that came along with His followers: “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name […]