February 15, 2024
Industrial Revolution, prophecy, prophetic word

“Pull the plug”

Juxtaposed against today, Hawthorne's Celestial Railroad is a mirror held up to culture, and how much more might we see ourselves the pampered passengers rather than the scorned pilgrims - particularly in the face of the exponentially increasing power of technology and Artificial Intelligence to distract, dissuade, and dismember us from our Creator and that which is most important in life. There's a phrase in my spirit these last several months that I've been praying aloud to the Lord. "Pull the plug."
August 29, 2021
humanism, covid measures, totalitarianism, abolition of man

Experts, Technology, and the Abolition of Man

In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis foresaw a deadly marriage between moral subjectivity and technological advancement. In 1944, before the death camps of the National Socialists had been liberated, before the full horrors of the Soviet Union surfaced on the world stage, Lewis looked into the future with uncanny clarity and predicted what we are witnessing today.