My first attempt at Flash Fiction. Enjoy! An hour. Then her kids will be off the bus. One hour, uninterrupted, to do with what she wishes. Upper fifties and the […]
“Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it” (Luke 17:33). Four summers ago, the summer of 2012, I read the biography […]
“The scepter of wickedness shall not remain over the land of the righteous, so that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong” (Ps. 125:3). Lord, You […]
Gay author and activist Bruce Bawer left the US to escape what he described as the influence of conservatism and Christianity. Moving to Europe to live with his lover, he […]
“I wish Christians in the West understood their position better – who they are in Christ,” a brother from India responded when I asked him what was the greatest difference […]
It was a tough week for all Americans who love liberty and love God’s laws on which the nation’s Constitution was founded. The Supreme Court of the United States handed […]
If indeed economic collapse is looming for America and Europe, as discussed in my last blog, and no one knows exactly how that will look, how should the church respond? […]
As people across the United States gather to pray, my prayer for us all is this: “Lord, give us more of the Holy Spirit” (Luke 11:13). As we gather on […]
“I’m not going to stir the waters or draw fire by opening up my mouth or taking a stand on social media. I’m going to quietly watch from the sidelines. […]
Recently, two nights in a row, I had dreams of massive tidal waves coming in and sweeping scores of people on a beach out into the ocean. In both dreams, […]
A woman in our prayer circle tells the amazing story of what happened when she reached the most desperate point of her life. A new immigrant from Egypt, and the […]
Today marks the two year anniversary of Hugo Chavez’s death. The Venezuelan dictator developed the cancer which he eventually succumbed to after he publicly cursed Israel. Not only that, but […]