The world is greatly distressed in this hour; but it is only the calm before the storm. I sense the Lord is giving a strong message to His church right […]
“When a land is handed over to the wicked, God blinds the eyes of its judges” (Job 9:24) Jonathan Swift once likened laws to cobwebs, which catch small insects but […]
This morning protestors gathered at Pitt to speak out against the horrific experimentation being done by the university on five month old babies, killed in utero, and then scalped, their […]
A young man with an immune-compromised child stood up and testified to our congregation how devastating it has been for him to be away from church this last year. “I […]
Can God speak through a 1980s pop song? A few years ago I was praying for my neighbor, who suffered debilitating migraines that commenced during her deployment to Saudi Arabia. […]
Four coach buses left my hometown Wednesday morning in the darkness of a frosty January morning. Those of us on board had set aside work and daily demands to make […]
“”Now when Jesus heard [of the Centurion’s faith], he marveled and said to those who were following, “Truly I say to you I have not found such great faith with […]
The Lord is on the move! During this difficult season of challenges, unknowns, and an alarming encroachment on personal liberty, the Lord has been answering specific prayers about seeing His […]
“The battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a […]
To listen to this as a podcast, click here In my previous post, we looked at humanism as an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather […]